24 The Game

I bought 24 the game there on friday. I had read reviews on the internet about the game, but most report were not good. Having spent the weekend playing it and completing 16 of 58 missions I would say those report are wrong for the most part.
I was delighted to discover that most of the main characters are covered in the game with the real actors playing there parts. The music is by Sean Callery and is as good as on the show. The other voice actors are very good e.g. the main bad guys etc. The sound effects are top notch, the different sound effects for different guns firing is excellent as well as explosions.
The boxes are included, not only are they included by in certain sections of the games they become part of the game play. The repoduction of the actors faces is amazing. In the cut seanse the camara work is done in the same style as the show, with split screen, close ups and quickly panning the camera around.
The graphics are as good as you would find in splintercell or gran-theft auto, and like i said earlier the actors faces have an uncanney likeness.
The gameplay on food is as good as if not better than Splintercell. I love many of the features
of the game, you can check a fallen bad guy for ammo or a radio etc. The only fault in the game is the driving section. The control is very poor and it lets the game down alot. If they bring out a second game they hopefully with fix this. A good thing about the game is the variety of sub games and puzzles you have to solve, it prevents it from becoming just a shooter game.
Some review have knocked the AI of the bad guys, for the most part these reviews have been accurate, but the AI is no different from that seen in Splintercell. Some bad guys hide others will just stand there. But imagine for a minute that you are a henchman and are told to guard an area. Time passes and you get board, of course it would be a shock to you if a CTU agent suddenly pop up out of nowhere, you would just stand there and return fire. prehaps if you were near a door way you would run to it. People react differently when underfire. So I would not knock the AI.
Cut Scene.
The cut scenes between game play are excellent, they are as intense as the show and you pay attention to what is happening. The plot is strong and as good as the show. unlike splintercell you play and play and you end up in some army base and because the plot is so thin you can't recall why exactly are you in the base in the first place. The strong plot and for 24 fans the answers to some questions on the show keep you glued to your seat as the action unfolds.
If you complete a mission with a rating of 90% or higher you unlock bonus material. These include, interview clips with members of the cast, Still Pictures and 3D character models. There is also an overall ranking system A = Special agent, B = Field agent etc. Like featured in GTA, the games shows statistics, like the number of bad guys shot, arrested, damage cost caused etc.
I love the way the game is set out. You can go back and replay any mission you want in order to unlock the special features. Unlike Splintercell the missions are devided up into smaller sections and are more manageable. From what I have read, it should only take about 8 to 10 Hrs to complete. As games go this is a little short, but it is better short that the developers putting in fillers to eat up time and decrease the overall quality. With regard to the cut scenes as you progress you can watch the cut scenes again seperately or all together like a show. For 24 fans its a must and will not disappoint, for fans of Splintercell or GTA, it might not quite be up to your expectations.
I would have to give the game 9/10.
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